AML3D Expands US Navy Submarine Parts Manufacturing with New Order. 

  • New ~A$0.6 million order to supply a circa 1 tonne prototype component to support the US Navy’s submarine programme.
  • Follows recent A$2 million order for an AML3D ARCEMY metal 3D printed high demand replacement component for the US Navy.
  • New order demonstrates ongoing delivery of AML3D’s strategy to embed its ARCEMY® technology in the US Navy’s submarine industrial base.

AML3D Limited (ASX:AL3) (“AML3D” or “the Company“) is pleased to announce a new prototype Nickle-Aluminum-Bronze (NAB) component order to support the US Navy’s submarine program. The new order is for the manufacture of an approximately 1 tonne prototype using AML3D’s proprietary ARCEMY 3D metal printing technology. The order has been received from BlueForge Alliance, a nonprofit, neutral integrator, supporting the strengthening and sustainment of the US Navy’s Submarine Industrial Base through technology adoption and acceleration.

This prototype component order is valued at circa A$0.60 million (US$387,000) and further demonstrates the key role AML3D can play in the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies to support the US Navy’s Submarine Industrial Base. The manufacturing cycle for the new prototype component is expected to run for a period 22-24 weeks and be carried out at AML3D’s facility in Adelaide, South Australia.

A successful conclusion to this new NAB prototype component order has the potential to expand the range of US Navy Submarine parts for which AML3D’s ARCEMY metal 3D printing systems can be used. It follows the recent ~A$2.02 million, (US$1.51 million), contract to develop and metal 3D print a complex, high demand, non-safety-critical, replacement NAB component used in US Navy submarines.

This new order aligns with the Company’s US scale up strategy to become a point of need, additive manufacturing technology solution to address supply chain constraints within the US Navy’s submarine program. The US is the largest Additive Manufacturing market in the world and AML3D’s most important growth market. The Company remains confident additional contracts will be executed during the balance of 2023, further expanding AML3D’s ongoing sales to the US Defence sector.

AML3D Interim CEO Sean Ebert said:

It is exciting to see this expansion of prototype component manufacturing using AML3D’s proprietary ARCEMY technology to support the US Navy’s submarine Industrial base. This order is another opportunity to demonstrate AML3D’s cost effective, high efficiency, high quality, additive manufacturing technology. It is also a great opportunity to demonstrate the key role large scale ARCEMY systems can play within the US Defence sector as point of need manufacturing solutions with the potential to solve supply chain challenges for the US Navy. 

AML3D’s US scale up strategy is focused on developing and deepening our long-term, strategic partnership with key stakeholders within the US Navy’s submarine program. Our ability to deliver contract manufacturing solutions that support ARCEMY systems sales into the US Defence sector is an important part of this strategy. This new NAB prototype component order is also timely in the context of the AUKUS Alliance partnership between Australia, the USA and the UK, and the opportunities AML3D may have to access additional Defence markets over the medium to longer term.

AML3D Expands US Navy Submarine Parts Manufacturing

Shown: Typical ARCEMY® Wire-arc Additive Manufacturing system configuration, used for the production of large-scale and exotic material parts.

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of AML3D.

Source: AL3 AML3D Expands US Navy Submarine Parts Manufacturing, PDF

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About AML3D

AML3D Limited, a publicly listed technology company founded in 2014, utilises new technologies to pioneer and lead metal additive manufacturing globally. Disrupting the traditional manufacturing space, AML3D has developed and patented a Wire Additive Manufacturing (WAM®) process that metal 3D prints commercial, large-scale parts for Aerospace, Defence, Maritime, Manufacturing, Mining and Oil & Gas. AML3D provides parts contract manufacturing from its Technology Centre in Adelaide, Australia, and is the OEM of ARCEMY®, an industrial metal 3D printing system that combines IIoT and Industry 4.0 to enable manufacturers to become globally competitive.