AML3D commences AS9100D:2016 certification for aerospace parts.
- AML3D commences AS9100D:2016 Quality Systems Accreditation for the Company’s proprietary advanced manufacturing technology, WAM®, essential for certification of aerospace components.
- AS9100D is one of the highest levels of certification available for manufacturing companies that produce components for flight structures used in the aviation, space and defence industries.
- As part of AML3D’s growth strategy, and based on the recent Boeing contract and other recent aerospace opportunities, this accreditation will prepare the Company for future expansion and services into the Aerospace industry.
- AML3D’s push into aerospace in conjunction with our Oil & Gas strategy further reinforces our growth strategy and a firm footprint into these markets.
AML3D Limited (ASX:AL3) (“AML3D” or “the Company“) is pleased to announce that it will be commencing implementation of the Aerospace Quality Management System AS9100D:2016 Accreditation. The accreditation is essential and enables the company to manufacture ‘fly parts’ for use in aircraft. Once implemented, AML3D would be only the second 3D wire feedstock additive manufacturing company worldwide to achieve the Standard, providing AML3D with a significant competitive advantage when bidding for contracts.
The AS9100D:2016 Standard provides the framework for world-class business growth via a risk and opportunity-based process approach to managing our business. It will enable AML3D to demonstrate it has achieved a benchmark consistent performance and service and not only meet but exceed customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.
Achieving AS9100D:2016 accreditation is in line with our growth strategy to increase sales of existing products and initiate sales of new and innovative products to the Aerospace and Defence industries and would help to significantly expand our potential customer base, support existing client’s decisions to procure more components, and to refer more customers to AML3D. This process also aligns with AML3D’s focus on enhancing the quality of its products and service, enhancing customer satisfaction.
The process for accreditation is expected to be completed in the second half of the 2023 financial year, at a cost of approximately $25,000, with funding sourced from the Company’s recent ‘growth initiative’ capital raising.
Benefits of AS9100D:2016 Certification
- A key point of difference when engaged in competitive Aerospace tenders
- Enables the Company to pursue high-value contracts with aviation, space and defence organisations
- Ability to produce quality parts for use in aircraft
- Demonstrates a commitment to delivering high quality, integrity and best-in-class components to Aerospace customers, and
- Ensures we can meet clients’ contractual requirement(s) for AS9100:2016 certification.
The development of AML3D’s commercial relationship with Boeing, for example, is aligned with the Company’s multiphase growth strategy to develop additional and geographically diverse markets across Aerospace, Space and Defence to drive value creation over the medium term. As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial aeroplanes, defence products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries.
Commenting on the AS9100D:2016 application process, AML3D Managing Director, Mr Andrew Sales, said:
Implementation of AS9100D certification will further demonstrate AML3D’s commitment to delivering the highest quality components into the aviation, space and defence industry. This is an important step in our growth strategy for the company as we pursue high-value contracts for aerospace. We are excited to further progress into the aerospace industry with our technology, further validated by this certification.
This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of AML3D.
Source: AML3D commences AS9100D:2016 certification for aerospace parts. PDF, Company News
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About AML3D
AML3D Limited, a publicly listed technology company founded in 2014, utilises new technologies to pioneer and lead metal additive manufacturing globally. Disrupting the traditional manufacturing space, AML3D has developed and patented a Wire Additive Manufacturing (WAM®) process that metal 3D prints commercial, large-scale parts for Aerospace, Defence, Maritime, Manufacturing, Mining and Oil & Gas. AML3D provides parts contract manufacturing from its Technology Centre in Adelaide, Australia, and is the OEM of ARCEMY®, an industrial metal 3D printing system that combines IIoT and Industry 4.0 to enable manufacturers to become globally competitive.